EDCS Reference Manual
Concept Mapping from EDCS 4.4 to FACC 2.1
 * STRUCT: FACC_Attribute_Mapping_Structure
 * This structure will be returned from the call
 * EDCS_to_FACC_MapAttributeCode
 * If the mapping_type field is FACC_MAP_TYP_ONE_TO_ONE 
 * then the additional concepts fields will be empty and 
 * the facc_attribute_code field will have the FACC attribute 
 * code.  If the FACC attribute is one that has some sort of
 * units associated with it, the target_unit and target_scale
 * will reflect that unit and can be used in EDCS_ConvertUnitAndScale
 * to get a result with the correct unit and scale to use in FACC.
 * If the mapping_type field is FACC_MAP_TYP_ONE_TO_ZERO
 * then all fields, except the notes field, will be 0 or NULL.
 * If the mapping type field is FACC_MAP_TYP_INDETERMINATE
 * then the fields will be populated only if one of the possible
 * attribute codes that the attribute will map to is of FACC Value
 * If the mapping type field is FACC_MAP_TYP_MAP_TO_CODED
 * then the facc_attribute_code field will be populated with the 
 * FACC Coded attribute that the different intervals will end up 
 * mapping to.
 * If the mapping type field is FACC_MAP_TYP_SPECIAL_CASE
 * then the fields may contain the FACC attribute code information
 * that it will map to, and the notes field will contain information
 * about special steps that must be made to complete the mapping. 

typedef struct
FACC_Mapping_Type_Code mapping_type;
FACC_2p1_Attribute_Code facc_attribute_code;
FACC_Value_Type facc_target_value_type;
EDCS_Unit_Code facc_target_unit_code;
EDCS_Unit_Scale_Code facc_target_scale_code;
const char * notes;
} FACC_Attribute_Mapping_Structure;

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