EDCS Reference Manual
Concept Mapping from EDCS 4.4 to FACC 2.1
 * Mapping is one to one, with only one FACC concept necessary
 * to represent the given EDCS concept.
typedef EDCS_Integer FACC_Mapping_Type_Code;
Enumerant Definition Value
FACC_MAP_TYP_ONE_TO_ONE Mapping is one to one, with only one FACC concept necessary to represent the given EDCS concept. 1
FACC_MAP_TYP_ONE_TO_ONE_QUALIFIED Mapping is one to one, but in FACC there are additional qualifying concepts necessary to represent the EDCS concept.
For example:
ADMINISTRATION_BUILDING will map to AL015 for building, but it will also be qualified with BFC_28 which is Building Function
Category - Administration Building
In these cases the additional_concept_count will be > 0 and the additional_concepts array will be populated with the qualifying concepts.
FACC_MAP_TYP_ONE_TO_ZERO Mapping is one to zero, i.e. there are no concepts in FACC that can be used to represent the given EDCS concept 3
FACC_MAP_TYP_MAP_TO_CODED In this case the FACC is a ranged enumerant, but in EDCS the concept uses intervals to map those ranges. So for specific intervals that either match or are a subset of the ranged enumerant, a mapping will take place. 4
FACC_MAP_TYP_INDETERMINATE This is a special case. Some EDCS Attributes map to different FACC codes depending on what value is handed in. In this case when attempting to map just the EDCS Attribute, the mapping type will be INDETERMINATE, meaning that there will be different FACC codes returned using EDCS_MapAttributeWithValue depending on the value passed in. 5
FACC_MAP_TYP_SPECIAL_CASE In this case the mapping is special in that it may need user intervention to perform the mapping. In these cases the notes field will contain the special case information. 6

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