SEDRIS Reference Manual
APPENDIX C - Transmittal Access Level 0 API Auxiliary Functions
SE ValidImageExtents
extern SE_Boolean
const SE_Image_Fields  *fields_ptr,1
const SE_Image_Texel_Location_3D  *start_texel,2
const SE_Image_Texel_Location_3D  *stop_texel,3
SE_Short_Integer_Unsigned  mip_level4


Checks whether the specified extents are valid for the given <Image> instance.


SE_TRUE if all parameters are valid.
  1. fields_ptr is NULL
  2. fields_ptr->level_count is zero
  3. fields_ptr->mip_extents_array is NULL
  4. mip_level is greater than or equal to fields_ptr->level_count
  5. start_texel >= fields_ptr-> mip_extents_array [mip_level], or or start_texel > stop_texel

Parameters Notes

1 fields for the <Image> instance for which the extents are being checked.

2 the starting texel index of the <Image> instance data to be retrieved; must be less than or equal to stop_texel, and must be valid for the specified MIP level of image.

3 the stopping texel index of the <Image> instance data to be retrieved; must be greater than or equal to start_texel, and must be valid for the specified MIP level of image.

4 the mip_level being requested for the given <Image>.

Prev: SE_ValidImageData. Next: SE_ValidIndexRange. Up:Index.